Sunday, September 03, 2006

Babies and Antiques

Lily went to her very first gigantaflea market today. Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa, & Michele accompanied her to Sparks and White Cloud for the day. When we got there, we met up with Cousin Isaac who was accompanied by his Mommy and Daddy, Lily's Auntie Anna and Uncle Pat. THEN it got even more exciting when Mommy's friend Ellen, her boyfriend Jeff and their baby Broden, who is 2 days younger than Lily but 1 day older than Isaac showed up.

Lily got very tired and ended up taking a little bit of a nap but her entourage perservered and finished up finally about 3:00, poorer, wearier, and yet very happy after a productive day of antiquing. Hooray! I think we were a bit overdue for this. Lily had her first antique show at 3 months, her first art opening at 5 months, so by rights, this flea market should have come about a month ago because she is nearly 8 months but technically, she is only 7 months now so it just barely slid in under the 'new every 2' wire.

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