Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yikey or no yikey?

Lily has discovered the world of Like and Don't Like. When shopping for faucets at the local Lowe's she will definitely express preference. "My yikey dis one, Mommy!"
When eating snacks at Yaya's house she says, "Mommy, me no yikey dis one." She has her definite favorite toys- "Yikey" and her un-favorite activities (taking her vitamin)- "no Yikey". More often than not, however, things are "my yikey". Yikey puppy, yikey kitty, yikey 'my boys'. So far, she's fairly easy to please. Yikey rice. No yikey bubbles in the bath (bubbles make the water messy). Lils yikey milk and she yikey skirts but no yikey pants and no yikey juice.

Our Lily Rose is definitely a girl with opinions.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

"Tallow" youth?

Of late, our darling Lily has been having some exzema issues. The doctor had told us before that just about the best lotion around is by Eucerin and is called "Aquaphor". I hadn't tried it before, but we got a small bottle and it really seemed to help. So on Saturday we got a vat of it at Target and started using it on her. I can definitely see that it seems to be helping with the problem. Lily enjoys us putting lotion on her, especially after bath and before bed. I think she realizes it makes her skin feel better. Apparently her head has been itching too, and she didn't tell us. This morning when Daddy went in to get her up, we found she had decided to put some of the lotion on herself. In her hair. Lots of lotion. In her hair. It was basically glued to her head. Now she just looks like her Mommy and Daddy are lunatics.
What you see above is how she looked after two shampoos with dish-soap and one with shampoo. I have a feeling we will look this way for quite some time now. Lily has stated quite plainly, "I like it". She emphatically said, "Lily pretty! Lily funny!"
As for the vat of lotion, its about half gone. Her sheets, her little 'ba-ba', her big 'ba-ba', her cup of water, her halo bag, her pajamas, etc. are all soft and supple now. Another interesting note, Aquaphor in hair becomes something of the texture of rubber cement. Woot!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Lily Rose 2007, originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.

Here's our Lily Rose at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Even though she didn't feel super (and Mommy felt far from it) she had a great time.

Lily and "Her Boys"

Originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.
Lily had a great time playing with her cousins Matthew and Nathan. She kept calling them "My Boys" and would ask for them every morning even after we got home.

Lily and Grandma

Originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.
Lily and family went to visit Lily's Grandma and Grandpa over New Years. She had a lot of fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa and her other relatives. Here Lily is having fun with Grandma. Lily was outside on the deck while Grandma was in the living room.