Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The yox win the series!

Lily has a new semi-obsession. Socks. She calls them yox. This evening, as I was putting her to bed, she got in her crib as usual, and I was sitting in the chair and 'rock-rock', not wearing shoes or slippers but I had on my socks. She noted with great interest, "Mommy yox?" I confirmed that yes, indeed, those were Mommy's socks.

She pointed to her hamper and inquired, "Wi-wee yox?" Again, I confirmed that was where Lily's socks were. Suddenly, she caught fire and we went through a list of all the people who had socks. "Daddy yox?" Yes, Daddy had socks. "Papa yox?" Yes, Papa (Grandpa L) had socks. "Puppy yox?" No, puppies don't wear socks. "Tyittee yox?" No, kitties don't wear socks either. "Sawee tyittee yox?" No, the kitty who is sorry for scratching you doesn't wear socks.

Then she hit it...I swear she was using this whole thing as a set up for the joke. "Ya-ya yox?" Yes, Ya-ya (Grandma L) wears socks. She finally quit with a very satisfied "Yes, Ya-ya yox." *snicker*

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lily eats a cupcake

Originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.
Lily insisted that Dad buy some yellow cup cakes when we were at the store. She thought it was very funny to get the yellow frosting all over everything.

Grandma reads to Lily

Originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.
Grandma took some time out to read Lily a story. Lily really enjoyed the short visit from Grandma and Grandpa.

Lily and Grandpa

Originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.
Lily and Grandpa enjoyed a ride on the train at Gage Park while Grandpa was visiting from Tacoma. Lily sure does love the Choo-choo!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Teeth and more teeth

The past couple of weeks have been a time for new teeth. Mom and I were starting to get worried that Lily was going to go through life with only 4 teeth. All of her classmates and the other babies around her all had lots of teeth. Well, finally Lily has started to sprout teeth -- about 6 all at once. We can tell that it is just killing her. She is always sucking on her hands and has been exceptionally fussy. We keep reminding ourselves that this too shall pass.