Tuesday, April 29, 2008

UPDATE: Potty Watch 2008

So our big weekend of potty training was pretty much a bust. We had decided on a 'reward' based system. Sitting on the potty and giving it a go earned Lily a sticker. Sitting on the potty and peeing earned Lily a tiny snack bag of fruity Cheerios. Sitting on the potty and pooping earned Lily a toy out of my special toy sack filled with balls, rocks, and confiscated Happy Meal Toys. Long story short, at the end of the weekend, there were about 8937483298347 stickers on the board, all the special bags of fruity Cheerios were still intact, and not a ball, rock or Happy Meal Toy had seen the light of day.

We decided to wait a few weeks. My surgery was coming up and knowing I would have an "owie foot" for awhile, we thought it best to just wait until I had healed a bit and try again.

But Lily surprised everyone! Yesterday at school, she was out on the playground with her class. She approached Miss Melissa and stated that she had to go potty. Miss Melissa took her inside to the potty and "VOILA!" Lily sat down and pottied on the potty! Yay Lily!

Now, we have examined our situation and we know in our hearts that this was simply one incident. But in the back of my head, I have the lovely delusion that this weekend, Lily will decide that she is finished with diapers and will just be a potty kid all the time. That could totally happen. And she will have completely potty trained herself. In my head, thats what I am pretending.

Maybe its the pain medication?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mommy's Owie

Mommy had to have surgery on her foot on Thursday. For the past few weeks we have been preparing Lily for this. Mommy wore her "owie boot" around the house and we told Lily that she would have to be especially nice to Mommy. At first Lily was scared of the boot and wouldn't want to touch it. After a bit she would ask to touch it and kiss it. Yes, kiss it. That is what she wants to do to everything she is afraid of....the vacuum cleaner especially.

The surgery went fine but now Mommy is some pain Lily wants to kiss Mommy's owie and has expressed sympathy. She asks about Mommy's owie frequently.

Lily knows that Mommy can't chase after her so has been getting into everything. I have done my best to keep her corralled but it has been next to impossible to watch Lily and help Mommy at the same time. Finally this morning we decided it was time to call our favorite babysitter to take Lily so that Mommy could rest and I could do some laundry while Mommy rests.

Mommy should be much better in a few days and will get rid of the boot in about 6 weeks.

Monday, April 07, 2008

See if shes smiling on Monday

P1010037, originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.

This weekend we took Lily on a long trip to visit Baby Alan, and his parents & sister in Iowa. It was 6 hours in the car with a two-year-old and Lily actually did really well! Provided we kept her in her seat. That of course, was a problem because apparently diapers aren't meant to be on a butt for 6 hours in a car seat. We had several leaky incidents, but I hope that it will be further incentive for her to potty train….this coming weekend.

While we were visiting our friends, we persuaded their 8-year-old daughter to tell Lily how exciting it is to use the potty, and to go poo-poo and pee in the potty and how it makes you such a big girl. Then we pointed out how Baby Alan wore diapers and that’s how babies go to the potty. We took the Elmo Potty video along with us and read the potty propaganda "Everyone Poops" when we got home. I hold much hope in my heart that we will get this potty training thing started this weekend and all will go smoothly. I'm sure she will get it right off… It'll be cake….right?


P1010054, originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.

Lily is a very brave (and very imaginative) little girl. Behind our friend's house, was a big yard with a slide and a swing, etc. Also, there was a backyard barbeque grill across the fence at the neighbor's house. Apparently, that BBQ looked very much like a lion to Miss Lily. She pointed at it, and roared at it, and eventually made friends with it and waved.