You know how you have to work and work at stuff to really make it happen? And you know how if something happens, like, super easy, you feel like you are missing something? Yeah.
So today Lily didn't have a single accident. Granted, we mostly stayed home, but Miss Lori came over to watch the kiddo while we finished picking up the house in prep for Auntie Jill, Cousin Lucas, Cousin Joey, Grandma & Grandpa O's arrival. Even over nap, while we put her in a pull up to be on the safe side, even then she didn't pee until after nap and until she told us that she had to go.
Now, while I know that this isn't it and she isn't done or anything, can you imagine that inkling of hope that this inspires in me? I am totally waiting for the other shoe to drop but in my own head I pretend like it was just that easy. Don't all spam me with the whole, "Delusional" thing. I know. But for tonight, I am pretending like she is the most brilliant kid ever.
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