As you may or may not recall, recently we decided to try to push the potty training. It really didn't go well. So we took the potty away totally, pulled a 'Tom Sawyer' move and told her she
couldn't use the potty. That seemed to work mostly. A couple of weeks ago, she started occasionally telling us that she wanted to use the potty. We got it back out, and she would sometimes go in and use it. Then, she started telling us more frequently (weekends only, not at school) that she wanted to go potty in her potty. We would go in, take off her diaper, and more often than not, she would be successful. She seems to really like pooping especially. Now, she is getting really good at it. She will sit down, get a very sly look on her face and say, "It's coming! Here it comes, pee-pee!" then when she potties, the potty makes noise and plays a little song. She looks very proud and of course we cheer and make a big hoopla. AND she gets to flush. Thats the big reward.
She kept improving on weekends, so last weekend, we told her that we were switching to pull-ups and that she wouldn't wear diapers anymore except at night. She was very excited and all the reports from school have been excellent! Her teacher was very surprised and said that Lily was really doing exceptionally well staying dry. Her daily report sheet yesterday indicated only once that she went to use the potty and was already wet. Sooo….this weekend, we are going for it. Lily will get to put on underpants for the very first time! I asked her yesterday if she was excited about that, but she was busy playing rocks and told me so in as many words. Not sure what to think about that, but we are going for it anyhow. I figure one of two things will happen:
1) She will be so thrilled to be in underpants, love the feeling, and she will do really well. I figure an accident or two and she will be mostly done. I have a feeling she will be really mortified by peeing her pants. She doesn't like going potty in her pull-ups so I think this will be a good thing.
2) She will be so freaked out if/when she has an accident that she will immediately want to revert back to diapers.
Fingers crossed its the first one! We will let you know how everything…ahem…comes out.