Sunday, December 28, 2008
Play that guitar!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Big Kids
The weekend before last, Lily took a nap in her big girl bed for the first time! Slept like a big kid. Before long, we will be sleeping in the bed all the time and looking at getting her a BIG big girl bed, instead of just a toddler bed. Her Christmas Program at school is next week, so watch for video of that to be posted. All in all, she is getting big, growing up, and ready to move out I think.
Pilgrims? Bah! Who needs 'em?

On Monday, November 24, we had Thanksgiving Luncheon at Lily's school. She was very excited for Mommy and Daddy to come eat lunch with her. Daddy arrived before I did, and got a table for us.
As I walked in, Lily was just entering the lunch room. She had a very large, black, felt pilgrim hat on and when she saw me, she exclaimed excitedly, "Mommy! I'm a Pirate!"
I asked her what kind of pirate she was, and with a disdainful look she replied, "The turkey kind!"
Well obviously.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This kid has timing....
I said, "Go to the very top of the screen and type the address."
I said, "Did it come up for you?"
She said, "I typed it in but nothing happened."
I said, "You have to hit enter. Hit enter."
She said, "Enter? Where is that?"
I said, "On your keyboard. The enter key"
She said, "Oh! Enter! I see! Its coming up now."
Lily, a child with absolute perfection in comic timing shouts from the back seat:
"Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner!"
Seriously, I laughed about that for like 2 hours. I'm still laughing. Holy crap, where does this kid get her material?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Singing Frere Jacques
Friday, October 31, 2008
Are you kidding me?
Earlier this evening, when we were over at my parents house, Lily dropped a bombshell. Well, technically I guess she dropped it when she was still at school.
Mommy: "Lily, do you need to potty?"
Lily: "No! I alREADY potty at school! I pooped a BIG poop! Evan flushed it for me. He's my boyfriend."
Well of course, you can't let just anyone flush for you. That Evan...he sure knows how to treat a girl.
Tinkerbelle PRINCESS...and don't you forget it!
This year, Lily decided to be Tinkerbelle. BUT we couldn't find a Tinkerbelle costume. After she carefully considered her options, she chose this lovely dress. She seemed satisfied and I said, " can be a princess! You are my princess you know, baby."
She quickly corrected me and said, "No! I not a baby. I a big girl and I gonna be Tinkerbelle PINCESS not other pincess."
So Tinkerbelle Princess she is. We let her know that if Tinkerbelle was going to be a princess, this is most certainly what she would wear. Especially note the fancy foofoo tights and shoes. They were an especially important choice.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Who's old?
Tonight as Lily was chattering away, Lori asked her, 'Lily, how old are you?'"
"I two! How old are you?", replied Lily.
"Oh, I'm old." says Lori.
"HAHA," Lily laughed, "So's Daddy!"
Lori asked, "Is Mommy old?"
"No, only Daddy..." says Lily.
Bwahaha. I really enjoy conversations like this one, especially!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lily plays basketball
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Naked in earnest
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Gumbella Girl
Lily has been saying for WEEKS that she wanted 'a gumbella'. For awhile, we had no clue what she was talking about...duh, Mommy! She actually was saying how much she wanted a purple (pohpooh) gumbella and Mommy looked and looked and couldn't find one anywhere. Today though, we went to The Toy Store in preparation for going on an airplane trip next week and lo, there smack by the door was a gumbella! It wasn't purple, but it has purple in it! That totally counts. Lily was instanty smitten and stated emphatically that she needed that umbrella. Since it was raining, Mommy agreed and now, Lily has her very own umbrella. The world will remain spinning for another day.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Potty Watch 2008- the results!
She generally wakes up dry in the morning from the overnight, comes in bed with me while Daddy showers, and shortly after that, states her need to potty and goes into the bathroom and does the business. Oddly, there have been a couple of nights where she woke up and had to potty in the middle of the night (SOOOO not fun) but she goes, and eventually goes back to sleep. I think we doze off faster than she does, but then again, she gets a nap at school and at least at John's work, napping would be seriously frowned on. I think that maybe the night waking is due to her molars starting to come in. From what I understand though, once she gets these teeth, the teething is all done for a long time! YAY!
I believe that we had a taste of the 'two-year-old' yesterday. Lily was just a terror all day long. Tantrums galore. If there was something she was supposed to do, she didn't. If there was something she wasn't supposed to do, she did. She had umpteen timeouts which only barely fazed her. She was just NAUGHTY. I have to wonder if that’s the way that most two-year-olds behave in general and we have been lucky so far, or if it is an exceptional situation brought on by a great number of things happening all at once? Lets hope it was an aberration…yuck…
Saturday, July 12, 2008
4th of July
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Wow. Seriously?

You know how you have to work and work at stuff to really make it happen? And you know how if something happens, like, super easy, you feel like you are missing something? Yeah.
So today Lily didn't have a single accident. Granted, we mostly stayed home, but Miss Lori came over to watch the kiddo while we finished picking up the house in prep for Auntie Jill, Cousin Lucas, Cousin Joey, Grandma & Grandpa O's arrival. Even over nap, while we put her in a pull up to be on the safe side, even then she didn't pee until after nap and until she told us that she had to go.
Now, while I know that this isn't it and she isn't done or anything, can you imagine that inkling of hope that this inspires in me? I am totally waiting for the other shoe to drop but in my own head I pretend like it was just that easy. Don't all spam me with the whole, "Delusional" thing. I know. But for tonight, I am pretending like she is the most brilliant kid ever.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Scatology and micturation: a primer
Today was the big day. Lily woke up in a less than joyous mood BUT nevertheless, once the first morning pee pee was out of the way, we did a little dance (literally) and put on her underpants! For the first of the day, she chose a lovely little princess pair. Day one accident count: 3. Not bad, I think for a first day! I do have to say also in her defense, one of them was totally our fault as we did not make any kind of bathroom suggestion for over an hour. Whoops. I also have to say that her friend at school, Jake, and his parents did us no favors as his birthday cupcakes had blue and green icing and thus we are enjoying a very green poop day. But that’s not yucky at all, right? See here a very happy girl. Day two is upcoming...lets hope it is even better than day one!
Lily’s Big Day
Do not only did Lily enjoy her first day of freedom from diapers, but she also rode her trike for the first time by herself! She went on the train with Mommy. She ate a taco for lunch. She went shopping at Sam’s. Lily was very tired by bedtime and so were Mommy and Daddy.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
To pee or not to pee…
She kept improving on weekends, so last weekend, we told her that we were switching to pull-ups and that she wouldn't wear diapers anymore except at night. She was very excited and all the reports from school have been excellent! Her teacher was very surprised and said that Lily was really doing exceptionally well staying dry. Her daily report sheet yesterday indicated only once that she went to use the potty and was already wet. Sooo….this weekend, we are going for it. Lily will get to put on underpants for the very first time! I asked her yesterday if she was excited about that, but she was busy playing rocks and told me so in as many words. Not sure what to think about that, but we are going for it anyhow. I figure one of two things will happen:
1) She will be so thrilled to be in underpants, love the feeling, and she will do really well. I figure an accident or two and she will be mostly done. I have a feeling she will be really mortified by peeing her pants. She doesn't like going potty in her pull-ups so I think this will be a good thing.
2) She will be so freaked out if/when she has an accident that she will immediately want to revert back to diapers.
Fingers crossed its the first one! We will let you know how everything…ahem…comes out.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Papa goes airborne
When Papa called after the flight, all he could talk about was their "crash." Let's just say that no one got hurt....not even the parrot. Check out flickr for the pictures.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How is this even possible?
OK, I totally get the part where I am completely biased, but seriously people...Look at that girl! I have to admit though, that she would only consent to be photographed with the proviso that I show her the pics immediately afterwards. If it took me more than a fraction of a second to do so, she immediately would shriek, "I WANNA SEE LILY!!!"
This one was taken right after her last gymnastics class before summer break. Mommy & Daddy are going to have to figure SOMETHING out for the summer.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I don't think she will go into floral design...
We have decided that Lily will likely NOT be a florist. Of late, she has been very interested in picking flowers. Her favorites, as with many (dare I say most?) other two-year-old girls are the ever present dandelion. Especially with my hurt foot, she has been desirous of bringing me flowers nearly every day. (You know, sadly its nice to get flowers once in a while) She presents the lovingly picked stems with the prounouncement, "Here Mommy. Make you feel better!" Foreshadowing? Maybe so.
Do you think it is the gorgeous yellow color that influences her? Well you would be mistaken. Perhaps the gorgeous, fluffy down that comes as the flower ages? Not so much.

Lily loves the stem. No golden yellow petals. No downy crappy seeds on it. Just the stem. And the more withered and greyish the better. Hooray for Mommy's new most beautiful flower...dandelion stems!
If she doesn't go into floral design, maybe she will marry into the Adam's Family?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Lily's "Mad" face
This kid...shes so funny!
The while ago (pre-surgery) I parked at Papa & Yaya's house and walked over to school to get Lily. On the way home she was being VERY slow-pokey so I suggested that we run. She said, "No wanna run!", so I replied, "OK, we don't have to run. Lets just walk."
A few seconds went by and Lily looked at me with THAT face and said, "Mommy! I'm MAD!" I said, "Why? What are you mad about?" and she stated emphatically, "No wanna run!". I assured her we didn't have to run.
About a minute or so later, she said, "I'm done mad....lets run!" and she took off like a shot.
Anyhow, since that day, she has been very pleased that she has developed a 'mad face' and will gladly show us when we ask. She was reluctant to allow us to photograph it, but we told her we would show it to her on the camera and she willingly obliged.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
UPDATE: Potty Watch 2008
We decided to wait a few weeks. My surgery was coming up and knowing I would have an "owie foot" for awhile, we thought it best to just wait until I had healed a bit and try again.
But Lily surprised everyone! Yesterday at school, she was out on the playground with her class. She approached Miss Melissa and stated that she had to go potty. Miss Melissa took her inside to the potty and "VOILA!" Lily sat down and pottied on the potty! Yay Lily!
Now, we have examined our situation and we know in our hearts that this was simply one incident. But in the back of my head, I have the lovely delusion that this weekend, Lily will decide that she is finished with diapers and will just be a potty kid all the time. That could totally happen. And she will have completely potty trained herself. In my head, thats what I am pretending.
Maybe its the pain medication?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Mommy's Owie
The surgery went fine but now Mommy is some pain Lily wants to kiss Mommy's owie and has expressed sympathy. She asks about Mommy's owie frequently.
Lily knows that Mommy can't chase after her so has been getting into everything. I have done my best to keep her corralled but it has been next to impossible to watch Lily and help Mommy at the same time. Finally this morning we decided it was time to call our favorite babysitter to take Lily so that Mommy could rest and I could do some laundry while Mommy rests.
Mommy should be much better in a few days and will get rid of the boot in about 6 weeks.
Monday, April 07, 2008
See if shes smiling on Monday
This weekend we took Lily on a long trip to visit Baby Alan, and his parents & sister in Iowa. It was 6 hours in the car with a two-year-old and Lily actually did really well! Provided we kept her in her seat. That of course, was a problem because apparently diapers aren't meant to be on a butt for 6 hours in a car seat. We had several leaky incidents, but I hope that it will be further incentive for her to potty train….this coming weekend.
While we were visiting our friends, we persuaded their 8-year-old daughter to tell Lily how exciting it is to use the potty, and to go poo-poo and pee in the potty and how it makes you such a big girl. Then we pointed out how Baby Alan wore diapers and that’s how babies go to the potty. We took the Elmo Potty video along with us and read the potty propaganda "Everyone Poops" when we got home. I hold much hope in my heart that we will get this potty training thing started this weekend and all will go smoothly. I'm sure she will get it right off… It'll be cake….right?
Lily is a very brave (and very imaginative) little girl. Behind our friend's house, was a big yard with a slide and a swing, etc. Also, there was a backyard barbeque grill across the fence at the neighbor's house. Apparently, that BBQ looked very much like a lion to Miss Lily. She pointed at it, and roared at it, and eventually made friends with it and waved.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
A change in routine might be good!
After we watched the end of The Wiggles, we watched the "kids" on Hi5 before she said she wanted to go into the other room. I said that we would have to get her dressed first, so we picked out clothing for the day. Then, I offered her the choice of playing in her crib while I showered or watching Wiggles in the Family room and she opted for the latter. However, she attached the condition that I provide cereal in a snack cup for her, and more milk, to which I agreed. She proceeded to eat the cereal, and asked for more. I provided that, and she put it in her pumpkin and stated she was going bye-bye. Then, while I dried my hair and did makeup, she took all of the cheerios out of the pumpkin and carefully stuff them up her shirt. She was quite surprised when she stood up and all the cereal fell out of her shirt onto the floor and the dog leapt on it like a ravenous hound. It was VERY funny. She was so mad she scolded him, "No-no PUPPY! That’s my cereal!"
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Where's Lily?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Yikey or no yikey?

Our Lily Rose is definitely a girl with opinions.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
"Tallow" youth?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Here's our Lily Rose at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Even though she didn't feel super (and Mommy felt far from it) she had a great time.