Sunday, November 19, 2006


Well, there are many schools of thought on baby speak. At our house it goes like this:

Pwee -- Lily sees something that is either a) yellow; b) shiny (like jewelery); or c) a button. She immediately looks to the wearer and says, "Pwee?" We always confirm that yes, it is indeed very pretty. We think "pwee" sort of means "I like that".

Dawdie -- Our dog, Bartlett. Or any dog. Quite often, but not always, Lily will point excitedly or merely gesture in the direction of the dog and state loudly, "dawdie".

Tyeatee or Ktyeetee -- Any cat. This is often shrieked loudly, using her very new and very loud shriek-voice. This is a voice she is quite proud of. Its very loud.

Mama and Dada of course. These are not always the 'discerning' titles, but more of an "I shriek in your general direction" thing.

Other communication indicators:

Lily has a toy frog she likes very much. When she is playing in the baby jail, we can say, "Lily, where is your frog?". She will immediately look over at the shelf where the frog goes to bed, drop to her hands and knees and crawl-run to the shelf. She pulls the frog down and hugs it and gives it a big kiss/bite on the nose.

She has started to give kisses. Very selectively and on her terms but if you catch her in just the right mood, she may respond favorably to a "Lily, will you give mama a kiss?". Then Mommy ends up slobbery too!

When Lily gets mad, everyone in the vicinity knows it. She is not a whiney baby about it but will definitely make her displeasure known. She makes an angry face and says "DYA DYA DYA DYA DYA!" and expects you to be appropriately chagrinned.

Thats the update for now!

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