Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Ice Storm Cometh

100_3771, originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.

Lily had the day off from school and Mommy and Daddy didn't have to go to work either. Something about a little ice...I don't know, wasn't paying attention.

Lils and Daddy waited until the ice/rain stopped and went outside, carefully avoiding the trees and the snapping branches. Lily was VERY excited about the 'yice outside!!!' Not only is there ice, but there is snow as well and thats one of Lily's favorite things this year!

For anyone wondering, we're all safe, still have power (for now) and hopefully the worst is past. Family nearby fared well also, but we haven't heard a word from our Oklahoma friends...fingers crossed for them. For more ice storm pics, take a look at our flickr page (link on right).

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Lily Jumping

Lily LOVES to jump. Here she is jumping along with her other love: The Wiggles!

Lily's 2007 Christmas Program

Sorry these videos are so dark. I will be editing them and making them easier to see in the near future.