Monday, November 05, 2007

All that counts...

Tonight, while bathing, Lily surprised Mommy with some excellent counting! Mommy was counting the cups that Lils uses to pour water from one to another.

Mommy said, "One...two..."
Lily said, "Two....tree"
"Three..." said Mommy
"Fouw..." answered Lily, "Fie."
"Five..." said Mommy
"Ick...ebenen" said Lily, and skipping ahead a bit she finished, "TEN!!!! YAY!!!!" and she applauded her performance.

Mommy got a little tear but she clapped, too. When Daddy came in, she repeated the performance for his admiration. Lily is definitely growing up!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Princess Leia...ready to "tik-r-eek"

Halloween was excellent for Lils this year. We went to the mall with her cousin Ike and Nonnie (Aunt Anna). Lily practiced saying "trick-or-treat" and did really well. She always said thank you, too. She discovered suckers. Her word for them sounds very much like her word for cracker and is unreproducible phonetically (by this author anyhow). A good time was had by all.
Check our Flickr for more great Halloween pics. A few of cousin Isaac, too.