Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Horror of horrors!

It finally happened. Today, our Lily Rose, the delicate flower, began to crawl. Oh yes, she is truly mobile. It didn't even take 2 weeks from the time she decided to sit herself up until the time that she decided that this lunging thing she was doing just wasn't enough. It seems the time that Mommy and Daddy spent working to get the family room semi-babyproofed last weekend was indeed time well spent. Its not totally finished, and we have yet to babyproof the kitchen (which adjoins the family room) but since Daddy isn't working just yet, we are fortunate that he can spend the next day or so working on that. Yippee!

We took some video and hope you are excited about this development as we are. YAY!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sleeping Lily

Originally uploaded by Lily'sDad.
Dad loves it when Lily takes a nap on him. This period of time won't last forever so on weekends this is how she often sleeps.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lily & Daddy spend some quality time

Lily has been home sick from day care the past couple of days. She woke up yesterday morning with a fever of 101.9. Mom and I took her to the doctor only to be told that it was a viral infection and that we should just treat the symptoms (Tylenol every 4 hours). Consequently, Lily and I have had some quality time. She has not felt the greatest but the Tylenol has kept her fever down so it hasn't been that bad.

Today, when I set her in her crib so that I could do something real quick, she pulled herself up to a standing position. She looked surprised at herself. I only wish I could have gotten a picture. This is the first time she had done that! She has also been scooting around on the floor like a veteran. She doesn't really crawl, yet, but that will come very soon. Her new found mobility has Lily excited and Mom and I a little nervous. We still need to get the baby proofing done.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mobility at last!

Lily, just prior to her 8-month mark, had yet to begin crawiling. In point of fact, she hadn't even been able to sit herself up yet, or she chose not to (perhaps believeing that was the peasants duty to place her in an upright position).

This, of course, led to me to an irrational albeit minor freak out (as mothers are wont to do). I tried to tell myself that if she wasn't crawling until 9 months, then I could legitimately melt down. Besides, the longer it took her to move around, the longer we could put off that 'babyproofing' thing. Somehow, John doesn't seem to carry the gene for needless worry. That’s why he is able to get to sleep so quickly. Nighttime is my time to obsess..erm meditate... about this.

Apparently, its time for me to adjust my focus onto something else because she; A) started sitting today and B) can crawl one step forward and inumerable bits backward. Along with her other skills of grabbing everything within reach, eating paper, chewing on carpet lint, my keys, bits of leaf drug in by the dog, dried dinner off the floor, slobbering on everything dry, and ripping chunks of fur from any passing dog or cat, etc (all of which are very marketable skills). It appears that she is moments away from a full bore crawl, as well as pulling herself up in her crib and on anything else. She stands so well already that I fear the crawling may not be long lived and that walking *gasp* is only weeks away.

All of the sudden, it’s a whole new ball of wax. It appears that this weekend John and I will be in the baby-proofing supplies aisle at Target or Lowe's, trying to keep Lils from eating the shopping list and trying not to sob too loudly at her getting so big.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Babies and Antiques

Lily went to her very first gigantaflea market today. Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa, & Michele accompanied her to Sparks and White Cloud for the day. When we got there, we met up with Cousin Isaac who was accompanied by his Mommy and Daddy, Lily's Auntie Anna and Uncle Pat. THEN it got even more exciting when Mommy's friend Ellen, her boyfriend Jeff and their baby Broden, who is 2 days younger than Lily but 1 day older than Isaac showed up.

Lily got very tired and ended up taking a little bit of a nap but her entourage perservered and finished up finally about 3:00, poorer, wearier, and yet very happy after a productive day of antiquing. Hooray! I think we were a bit overdue for this. Lily had her first antique show at 3 months, her first art opening at 5 months, so by rights, this flea market should have come about a month ago because she is nearly 8 months but technically, she is only 7 months now so it just barely slid in under the 'new every 2' wire.