Sunday, January 06, 2013
5x7 Folded Card
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Lily's first graduation
It was so cute to see Lily's graduation from daycare! She was so proud to receive her "diploma". Some of these girls she has spent 5 years growing up with. It was really sweet to see how grown up they all have become.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Lily's drawing
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Trip to Tacoma
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Lily riding her bike
Santa Clause got Lily a bicycle for Christmas. She has wanted to ride it but Dad's driveway has a slight slope to it. Lily has been afraid that she would go onto the street...or just get going too fast. On Saturday, I loaded the bike into the backseat of the car and drove over to the school in the neighborhood. She LOVED riding it around the playground. The more she rode the more comfortable she was with it. She REALLY loved chasing Dad.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Visit to Grandma's and Grandpa's
While we were in Tacoma, we got to see the model train exhibit at the history museum. Lily thought that was great fun. We also got to visit lots of old friends and had a chance to meet some new friends. We got to the beach for about half an hour between rain showers. Lily really enjoyed throwing rocks into the water.
Lily was so well behaved during the trip making the trip enjoyable for everyone involved. Too bad it rained most of the time we were there. You can see the pictures on our flickr page.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Christmas program 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Autumn 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Lily has a boyfriend!
Well lately, Lilz has been commenting that Jake was on vacation and didn't come to school anymore. This went on and would be mentioned intermittently for about a month and a half, which was beginning to seem impractical. I kept thinking I needed to call Miss Kay about it and ask, but also kept forgetting.
Yesterday, as Lily and I pulled up to school in the morning, a car pulled up behind us and it was Jake and his Daddy! Lily was overjoyed and ran to greet "Jakers" with a hug. We all walked into the school together and I talked to Jake's dad a little bit. Seems that Jake isn't on "vacation" but rather is now in preschool, since he's 4! Well Lily and Jake went to visit Miss Helen and Jake's dad shared with us that Jake had been really asking to come back and visit and the only two people he had any interest in seeing were Lily and Miss Helen!
The two kids were really adorable. Lily asked Jake if he wanted to hold her hand and walk down to her classroom. He of course said yes, and they started holding hands and walking. Jake ran into the doorjam and muttered, "ow", and Lily giggled like this was the funniest thing she had ever heard. VERY cute. She was TOTALLY flirting. At age 3.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Lily speaks Spanish!
We told Lily that she couldn't go in the back because there were too many mosquitoes, she replied, "Well I will just tell them 'Shoo! Go away mosquito!'."
Mommy said, "Well thats fine, but some of the mosquitoes might speak Spanish, and you don't know how to say, 'Shoo! Go away mosquito!' in Spanish."
Lily replied, "Yes, I do!!!"
Mommy said, "You do?"
Lily said, "Yes! You say...'Shoo! Go away mosquito in Spanish.'!"
Guess she told me!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
God is....
On our way to Jake's birthday party, Lily asked me, "Mommy, who made us? Who made everything?"
Being a good Unitarian Universalist, I said, "Uh....who do you think made us?"
Lily replied, "I know. I can't remember his name....whats that guy...AUSTIN! God is Austin."
However, upon further reflection, Lily decided that god couldn't be Austin, because he wasn't really that cool, so God must be Tyrone.
Send a fwee-year-old to a Baptist Church Daycare, and to the Unitarians on Sunday and this is what you get. God is Tyrone, an orange moose.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monsters vs. Aliens-- the obsession.
After the movie was over, she started having an imaginary friend named Susan (just like the lead character in the movie) and talked about it non-stop. I figured it was because she knew that she shouldn't have been afraid, as it was just "pwetend". So we devised a way to take her to see it again. She had to sleep well for X number of nights. She did. She was very keen to see it again. Of course, this time it was the 3D version. She still freaked out a little bit, but stayed in the theater for nearly the entire film. I was quite proud of her, being so brave.
But now...NOW...we have created a MONSTER (vs. alien). Lily is seriously obsessed with the film. Susan is still a staple in our house. But now she constantly talks about "Bob the Blob" and "Missing Link".
What does Bob the Blob say?
What does Insectasaurus do? Why is he bigger than Susan?
Why does Dr. Cockroach PhD make Susan's hair smoke?
Bob the Blob says, "I got it guys, I got it! I got it! Hot DOGS!" Thats what Bob the Blob says.
And every night, when I am putting her to bed she says, "Can we talk about Susan and Galaxor?"
Why is Galaxor mean to Susan? Can Susan beat up Galaxor? Does Susan like Galaxor? Why is Galaxor not really very nice?
Of course, every week for Movie Day she wants to take Monsters vs. Aliens. And EVERY week, we have to explain that its not yet available to take. I am loathe to feed into her obsession, but on the other hand, if it will make her STOP TALKING ABOUT THE STUPID MOVIE, I will gladly buy it when it is released. I hope this is not an indicator of her level of obsession or she may end up in a cult or something. The cult of Hollywood Cartoons. Super.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Are you thinking what I am thinking?
She grinned and said, "I'm thinking that eleven isn't a letter at all!"
Friday, May 15, 2009
A big girl at last!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lily Singing
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ahoy, there!
Monday, April 06, 2009
Chocolate anyone?
Our little daredevil
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Messy Lily
Monday, January 26, 2009
How a 3-year-old defines yucky
Lily saw the water and asked what it was. I told her it was something that Mommy bought but that it tasted yucky. She asked why and I told her that it was just not yummy to drink. She looked at the water and said, "Yeah! Its yucky! Its got puppies in it!"
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Play that guitar!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Big Kids
The weekend before last, Lily took a nap in her big girl bed for the first time! Slept like a big kid. Before long, we will be sleeping in the bed all the time and looking at getting her a BIG big girl bed, instead of just a toddler bed. Her Christmas Program at school is next week, so watch for video of that to be posted. All in all, she is getting big, growing up, and ready to move out I think.
Pilgrims? Bah! Who needs 'em?

On Monday, November 24, we had Thanksgiving Luncheon at Lily's school. She was very excited for Mommy and Daddy to come eat lunch with her. Daddy arrived before I did, and got a table for us.
As I walked in, Lily was just entering the lunch room. She had a very large, black, felt pilgrim hat on and when she saw me, she exclaimed excitedly, "Mommy! I'm a Pirate!"
I asked her what kind of pirate she was, and with a disdainful look she replied, "The turkey kind!"
Well obviously.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This kid has timing....
I said, "Go to the very top of the screen and type the address."
I said, "Did it come up for you?"
She said, "I typed it in but nothing happened."
I said, "You have to hit enter. Hit enter."
She said, "Enter? Where is that?"
I said, "On your keyboard. The enter key"
She said, "Oh! Enter! I see! Its coming up now."
Lily, a child with absolute perfection in comic timing shouts from the back seat:
"Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner!"
Seriously, I laughed about that for like 2 hours. I'm still laughing. Holy crap, where does this kid get her material?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Singing Frere Jacques
Friday, October 31, 2008
Are you kidding me?
Earlier this evening, when we were over at my parents house, Lily dropped a bombshell. Well, technically I guess she dropped it when she was still at school.
Mommy: "Lily, do you need to potty?"
Lily: "No! I alREADY potty at school! I pooped a BIG poop! Evan flushed it for me. He's my boyfriend."
Well of course, you can't let just anyone flush for you. That Evan...he sure knows how to treat a girl.
Tinkerbelle PRINCESS...and don't you forget it!
This year, Lily decided to be Tinkerbelle. BUT we couldn't find a Tinkerbelle costume. After she carefully considered her options, she chose this lovely dress. She seemed satisfied and I said, " can be a princess! You are my princess you know, baby."
She quickly corrected me and said, "No! I not a baby. I a big girl and I gonna be Tinkerbelle PINCESS not other pincess."
So Tinkerbelle Princess she is. We let her know that if Tinkerbelle was going to be a princess, this is most certainly what she would wear. Especially note the fancy foofoo tights and shoes. They were an especially important choice.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Who's old?
Tonight as Lily was chattering away, Lori asked her, 'Lily, how old are you?'"
"I two! How old are you?", replied Lily.
"Oh, I'm old." says Lori.
"HAHA," Lily laughed, "So's Daddy!"
Lori asked, "Is Mommy old?"
"No, only Daddy..." says Lily.
Bwahaha. I really enjoy conversations like this one, especially!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lily plays basketball
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Naked in earnest
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Gumbella Girl
Lily has been saying for WEEKS that she wanted 'a gumbella'. For awhile, we had no clue what she was talking about...duh, Mommy! She actually was saying how much she wanted a purple (pohpooh) gumbella and Mommy looked and looked and couldn't find one anywhere. Today though, we went to The Toy Store in preparation for going on an airplane trip next week and lo, there smack by the door was a gumbella! It wasn't purple, but it has purple in it! That totally counts. Lily was instanty smitten and stated emphatically that she needed that umbrella. Since it was raining, Mommy agreed and now, Lily has her very own umbrella. The world will remain spinning for another day.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Potty Watch 2008- the results!
She generally wakes up dry in the morning from the overnight, comes in bed with me while Daddy showers, and shortly after that, states her need to potty and goes into the bathroom and does the business. Oddly, there have been a couple of nights where she woke up and had to potty in the middle of the night (SOOOO not fun) but she goes, and eventually goes back to sleep. I think we doze off faster than she does, but then again, she gets a nap at school and at least at John's work, napping would be seriously frowned on. I think that maybe the night waking is due to her molars starting to come in. From what I understand though, once she gets these teeth, the teething is all done for a long time! YAY!
I believe that we had a taste of the 'two-year-old' yesterday. Lily was just a terror all day long. Tantrums galore. If there was something she was supposed to do, she didn't. If there was something she wasn't supposed to do, she did. She had umpteen timeouts which only barely fazed her. She was just NAUGHTY. I have to wonder if that’s the way that most two-year-olds behave in general and we have been lucky so far, or if it is an exceptional situation brought on by a great number of things happening all at once? Lets hope it was an aberration…yuck…